Common Questions

What is HAVYN's Vision?

HAVYN's ultimate goal is to use business as a vehicle of self-sustaining funds to contribute positively toward the community.

Our vision is to create premium home fragrances designed to uplift your spirit, while empowering the societal reentry of survivors of human trafficking.

We will do this by earmarking 10% of every purchase to provide direct support within our own company for job training, mentorship, and living-wage employment opportunities for survivors.

Learn more about our vision on our About page.

Why Job Creation and Training?

Employment, coaching, and skills training is a big area of need in the rehabilitation of survivors.

San Diego, where we are located, is one of the top ten worst cities for human trafficking. Our strategic location allows us to partner with nonprofits already serving other parts in the continuum of needs for this population.

Using the unique skill sets of our team members, we are able to provide for this important step in societal reentry process for survivors and their path to self-sufficiency.

Learn more about the critical importance of employment and job training for survivors.

How Does HAVYN Directly Support Survivors?

How we envision doing this is as follows:

  • We will create dedicated entry-level jobs that pay a living wage in a supportive company culture and space that’s centered on love, empowerment, and excellence
  • We will pair survivors with working professionals within the company for mentorship and coaching
  • We will provide regular support groups with a trained coach to help navigate challenges along the way

The ultimate goal is to help survivors develop the skills to thrive in a traditional work environment, empower them to be their own agents in their journeys, and provide a starting point that helps build their resumes.

Note that as we first start up, the 10% will be donated to our partner, GenerateHope, until we have reached the scale where we can begin to offer employment and training to survivors in their program.

As we grow, the vision would be to broaden to women in transition from other extenuating circumstances.

Who Does HAVYN Partner With?

We are initially partnering with GenerateHope, an established program in San Diego that provides housing, therapy, and education for

As we first start up, the 10% will be directly donated to support general funds for GenerateHope, until we have reached the scale where we can begin to offer employment and training to survivors.

Once we have reached a size where we can scale our operations, our hope is to partner with GenerateHope by providing the survivors they serve with the job opportunities and training at our company.

How Can I Support HAVYN?

By purchasing our product!

HAVYN is also in need up start up capital. Please email us at for more information.